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simplified info on the coming 3 with Megatron.

  1. Megatron is the Mega dongle that can drive hard to drive stuff (high impedance with low sensitivity) , basically the best with limited power, and for the designed usage, it is as good as other's desktop stack if not better, but it is NOT designed for super sensitive IEMs

  2. Prime IE MAX is the opposite of the Megatron, it is the best you can get for sensitive IEMs with unlimited power ( 18650 battery x 4) and it is also something we designed to make you understand how good your IEMs can really be at the same price of those super priced / low powering / not refine at all dongles 

  3. Prime DAC is the pure dac, basically the DAC section of the Prime IE MAX, and it is designed to be a desktop level pure dac inside a small case

  4. RA2b FE is all about super clean customized 16.8V direct powering solution, to get you the best of all the experience in combo with Prime DAC and basically enough to be most people's end game stack.

Detailed info with SPECs

1st ,  RA2BAL-FE

Please first read everything on our Prime DAC


RA2b-FE is designed to work with Prime DAC, and it is some consider crazy powerful, with 3W+3W (full BAL from 4.4 port at 32ohm load), and yeah it is fairly crazy for a pure portable AMP.....

However this is NOT its best feature to brag about, ALL our pure amp so far has been with our "DIRECT Power" design.

RAP5th is using the same warp core as the 2B-FE, and we customize battery to be 16.8V so that we do NOT have to do all those DC to DC voltage booooost which will bring-in extra noise that we can NOT really get rid of without compromising on stuff like dynamics, and the best way to power a portable amp is to use battery to power them DIRECTLY,

So unlike everybody else or like our very own megatron, we customize the battery to directly power the amp with only dividing them in between, I know some will be asking why can't we use two batteries with each powering the + and - side of the powering like the Hifiman earlier DAPs (like the hm901), that design sounds fancier but wont get our a stable equal voltage , by dividing them, you are always getting the same voltage between + - and to have two battery for each -+ will NOT get us the stable sound as they wont have the same voltage over time. And our Defiant has been a proof of our design concept since 2019, and our earlier full balanced AMP dates all the way back to 2017, which has been more than 5 years ago, so after we have made the single BEST portable amp, our Defiant, we have decided to do a RA2B-FE, with the advancement of the parts over the last few years, we can make the a lot smaller / cheap and only comprosming 40-50% of the power from the original RA2B which was about 6w+6w from the 4pin XLR port, and we have made them with a full bal input and a 4.4 output with BAL and a 3.5se with single.

for most of us in this hobby, this is the end game solution for 99% in this hobby...hence we called it the end game stack.

2nd the Prime IE MAX Edition 

After reading through the other two new gears, the prime ie max edition is aimed to be the end game solution for all IEMs (and easy to drive earbuds like IEMs)

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Prime dac
Prime IE MAX
super value pack
RA2B-FE + prime IE MAX
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4.4(male)-Dual 3 pin XLR(male)
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